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Language educator:
What's your next step?

  • Does your language teaching spur acquisition through comprehensible input?

  • Are you ready for the Next Step in your language teaching career?

  • Would you like to train and coach colleagues to teach for acquisition?

  • Or are you feeling the creative itch to write a novel that will engage readers while providing compelling language input?


Then What's Your Next Step? has plans for you!!

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How can I create and give an effective, inspiring presentation that will make people want to know more?

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What are the steps to publishing an accessible and compelling story for engaged and confident readers?

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How can I develop a workshop that teaches new skills or strategies in a way that gives participants the confidence to try them right away in their classrooms?

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How can I train teachers in such a way that they feel empowered to implement and sustain a new teaching approach?

Why do you want to take the next step?

Your school or district has asked you to train your colleagues, but the prospect is overwhelming. You need a plan for what to do and how to make it more manageable.


You are mentoring new teachers and you want to help them make the transition towards an acquisition driven approach to teaching. You are looking for a training that will instill confidence in you as a coach, since coaching a teacher is so different from teaching a language.


You have been doing presentations at conferences and now want to grasp the differences between "presenting" or "demonstrating" and "training". You want to learn effective practices for helping teachers actually change and grow long-term.


You are passionate about teaching with comprehensible input, constantly reflecting upon and refining your practice, and you want to provide other teachers with that sense of success and eagerness to experiment and try new things.


You want to become a teacher leader for world languages: engage fellow teachers; develop a shared understanding of second language acquisition within your department; and help move colleagues towards communicative, comprehensible-input-based instruction.


As a dean or department chair, you are looking for ways to have strategic, fruitful conversations with teachers and departments of different persuasions. 


You want to articulate what you do more effectively and share that knowledge with other teachers to help you all collaborate to become better teachers.


You wish to improve your ability to educate the school community (students, parents, faculty, admins) about comprehension-based methods, and to support teachers in your department who are interested in learning more.


 You need simple strategies to deal with resistance, “a ready answer” and a set of skills so that you can share the validity as well as the practice of teaching with comprehensible input to existing and new members in your district.



What's Your Next Step? represents the work Anny Ewing and Kirstin Plante do together, in addition to our separate work with Dynamic Language Learning (Kirstin, in the Netherlands) and Altamira Language Learning (Anny, in the Philadelphia tri-state area, and now in Vermont).

As What's Your Next Step?, we focus on working with teachers who are ready to move to another level.

In the US:

Anny Ewing

53 Lower Ridge Road

Saint Johnsbury, VT 05819



In Europe:

Kirstin Plante

Molengouw 36
1151CJ Broek in Waterland
The Netherlands

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